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You can find all our ewes here


2023 Breedings Pending

Scroll through each ewes photos to see most recent photo and a few past lambs. Each ewe is listed from oldest to youngest... (Black Trouble down is not in order yet). Lifetime lambing percent; It is the total number of lambs the ewe has had divided by the number of years she has lambed.


Hazel grew like a weed with Jordan! She is shorter but thick with muscle. Her fleece is dark grey with nice tight wave like curls. She is extremely hardy and thick! Lambing record 1-2-(1)

Bred to Sven

Since moved to VT it put a lot of stress on my lambs. Though they are still ready to be bred i decided I didnt want more than 50 lambs this spring do to housing that she will be bred to lamb in fall of 

Bred to Sven
Peanut - brown noras

Since moved to VT it put a lot of stress on my lambs. Though they are still ready to be bred i decided I didnt want more than 50 lambs this spring do to housing that she will be bred to lamb in fall of 2020.

Bred to Thumper

Contact :

Meaghan Audet (Page)

(603) 312-7128

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